Monday, January 26, 2009


Students should, at this point, have about completed a booklet on 'Mendelian Genetics' to assist them on Thursday's test. Tomorrow (Tuesday, January 26th) they will receive a Study Guide that they will use along with their booklet and their notes to prepare for their test. A study session using these materials will take place on Wednesday, January 28th, between 4:15 and 6:00.

Mr. Hatfield will be in his room at lunch on Tuesday to help students with Labs.

Mr. Hatfield will be holding DETENTION in his room at lunch on Wednesday to motivate students who aren't completing their work (gulp).

Their test is on the following day (Thursday the 29th). Students who need additional time to complete the exam may also come at lunch or after school on that date up until 4:00. All work for the present unit is due by the end of the day on Wednesday.

The extra-credit ‘RA’ assignments should be printed out and handed in during class before this week is over.

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