Tuesday, September 30, 2008



You can download it direct from Mediafire here.

If you need the Lecture Guide based the Power Point, you can get that here.


Friday, September 26, 2008


Bullard ACADEC students will be finishing the film "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" as well as a self-test for mastery of the content covered in the previous session, with a special emphasis on the Power Point, which you can upload for further review here.

Please also note that all ACADEC posts can be brought up simultaneously by clicking on the label 'ACADEC.'


Students and Parents:

Please be advised that Mr. Hatfield will hold an 'Open House' just for his Biology classes on Wednesday, October 8th, in Room T-5 (one of a group of trailers in the South Parking Lot), between 5:30 and 7:30 in the evening.

Mr. Hatfield has decided to try doing this at least once this semester because there is just too much going on at Bullard's Open House. Typically, there is only 15 minutes or so with each teacher before the announcement comes over the PA to move along to the next period, and this just isn't very helpful.

Also, since we just had our first Unit Test of the year today, a week from today (when the Test and most of the work from August and September will be in Power School) seems like a good time to touch base and make sure expectations are understood.


Students and parents should've previously signed a Course Contract which stipulates that students agree to have a valid e-mail address and use the online integrity software "Turnitin.com."

Mr. Hatfield intends for all students to use this valuable resource on a regular basis, beginning with the Required Assignments (RA). Mr. Hatfield requires students to submit RA's directly to "Turnitin.com" and has extended the deadline for the submission of all Unit 1 RA's until September 30th. Students who do not complete the scheduled assignment as directed are failing to satisfy a fundamental requirement of the Course Contract and could be considered defiant. Mr. Hatfield will resolve this by contacting the home and, if necessary, assigning students to Study Hall.

Students who need the paperwork on how to establish the necessary account can download it here as a PDF file.


Please note: the original date for the Open House (Oct. 1st) has been changed to the 8th following the request of parents who have not yet had a chance to review their student's first test.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


As previously mentioned, we are having our first Unit Test in Biology on Wednesday (today). Students are welcome to come to my room during lunch and/or after school if they need extra time for the non-SCANTRON portions of the test.

Students who are unable to come at lunch or after school who wish to have additional time to work on the test should bring a note from their parent or guardian as justification.

We start our next Unit (Biological Molecules!) tomorrow, in class! Our first topic is the properties of water, as discussed in pg. 40-43 of the textbook:

Water is often described as a 'polar' molecule. Can you see why from this picture? If you can't, you need to re-read section 2.1 of the textbook, where it discusses polar covalent bonds. You'll need this knowledge to understand some of the properties of water, such as cohesion.

By the way, in case you haven't noticed, there is a link on the side of this blog that takes you to a web site to go with our textbook, 'The Dragonfly Book', by Ken Miller and Joseph Levine.

Monday, September 22, 2008

THIS WEEK IN BIOLOGY (9/22-9/26, 2008)

Hello! This is Scott Hatfield, your student's Biology instructor at Bullard. Welcome to the first post of my new class blog, 'Biology Knights.' I've begun contacting parents and students via email lists about some fairly important stuff this week, and I'm provising this blog as another way to give 'heads-up' about the class, share important links and provide a means for students to download copies of missing work.

Today (MONDAY the 22nd), students were completing Vocabulary Boxes and their Cornell Notes to prepare for their first UNIT TEST, which is on Wednesday the 24th.

On TUESDAY the 23rd, students will hand in their Vocabulary Boxes and review for the UNIT TEST.

On Wednesday the 24th, students will hand in their Cornell Notes and take their UNIT TEST.

UNIT TESTS are challenging. They have multiple parts with different kinds of assessments to help 'level the playing field.' They typically take an entire class period to give, and I always give students who need it additional time either during lunch or after school to complete the test. Please prepare for the test, to take advantage of the time given, and to attempt EVERYTHING!

The Study Guide for the first Unit Test is available here as a PDF file.