Monday (Dec. 14th) begins the final week of instruction for the Fall Semester. This is a post to give everybody one last 'heads-up' about Finals week in Biology!
First of all, 'A Twist of Fate', an important 100-point project, is due on Friday (12/10), and no late work of any kind will be accepted after Tuesday (12/14)
This assignment is based on a reading describing the scientific detective story that led to the discovery of DNA's structure. The reading is adapted from an article by Michael Lemonick that appeared in the Feb. 17, 2003 issue of Time. That article can be read in its entirety on-line here.
Students are expected to define terms underlined in the article, and to answer four discussion questions according to the usual guidelines: complete sentences that refer to the original question and provide supporting evidence for the student's opinion.
Secondly, students will receive a Study Guide for their 200-point Semester Final on Friday (12/10)
Students should be reviewing it and using it to identify any weaknesses, as well as working to submit any other outstanding work in the course by the end of instruction (Tuesday, 12/14).
Next, there will be a Study Session after-school on Tuesday (12/14).
This Study Session will take place in my classroom (N-63). It will begin at 3:15 and end at 5:30 that evening. Students who attend will not only receive valuable feedback as to what to expect on the test, but will also receive 20 points of extra-credit.
And, finally...Finals! Our scheduled Finals are on (12/15) Wednesday for 1st and 2nd period, (12/16) Thursday afternoon for 4th period and (12/17) Friday for 5th and 6th period.
There is no makeup period scheduled. Students need to attend their final exam period. Those who fail to attend without having their parent or guardian reach a prior understanding with Mr. Hatfield will be given an 'incomplete' in the course.
Finally, the Power Point with notes on DNA and Protein Synthesis is available on-line here:

The Power Point notes are available for download here.
A PDF of the Lecture Guide based on the Power Point notes is available here.