Students, in this blog post you will find many important resources and updates to the syllabus. In particular....Your last regular Unit Test has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 30th . There will be an After-School Study Session beginning at 3:15 and going until 5:00 on the prior date, Wednesday, April 29th.
To help prepare for that Test, here is the latest set of Lecture Notes, and here is the PDF file of the Lecture Guide based upon the notes. The previous sections of notes to be covered appears here, and here.
Perhaps most importantly, here is the link to the previous blog post describing your 600-point final semester project , which consists of writing multiple drafts of a guided essay. THE FIRST DRAFT IS DUE MONDAY, April 27th!!!
Finally, the title of the latest group of notes, incidentally, is taken from the Daniel Dennett book which also inspired a two-hour episode of the NOVA 'Evolution' series. This episode is being shown in class in its entirety over the course of several lessons, and students are expected to complete a Study Guide based on this program.
To help students master this material, the entire video has been made available through this YouTube channel, broken into 11 segments, shown below:To help prepare for that Test, here is the latest set of Lecture Notes, and here is the PDF file of the Lecture Guide based upon the notes. The previous sections of notes to be covered appears here, and here.
Perhaps most importantly, here is the link to the previous blog post describing your 600-point final semester project , which consists of writing multiple drafts of a guided essay. THE FIRST DRAFT IS DUE MONDAY, April 27th!!!
(For your convenience, I have embedded all 11 videos on this page, but these may not be visible on FUSD computers or on others that do not have recent versions of Java to run flash-based media. If you are unable to open the individual videos on this post, go to the link above and watch them directly on YouTube)
Chapter 1. Prologue
Chapter 2. Common Ancestry
Chapter 3. Ecuador and the Tree of Life
Chapter 4. Natural Selection
Chapter 5. Mutation and HIV
Chapter 6. Complexity
Chapter 7. How The Eye Evolved
Chapter 8. God
Chapter 9. A Scientist Discusses Religion
Chapter 10. The Human Question
Chapter 11. Humans and The Tree of Life Chapter 12. Epilogue
Finally, here is the PBS web site that accompanies the entire series.
You can also watch parts of the videos there, but they are lower in resolution.