PROGRESS REPORPreviously, I've shared with students and parents the fact that the district is not presently supporting alternative grade scales in Power School, and
my dissatisfaction with that lack of support. The first quarter ended on Friday, Oct. 9th. Prior to that time, I received an email from the district:

I thus spent time manually overriding a number of individual student grades, as seen in this screen shot . . .
The result is that if the letter grades that will appear on the first quarter progress report are accurate as of Monday morning, Oct. 12th, and do reflect the grade scale that I use.Another consequence is that when parents go onto Power School and click on the grade for this class, they will receive a breakdown of points earned on various assignments, but they will also see a disclaimer reflecting my practice:
I'm going to this level of detail and transparency so that students and parents will have a clear understanding that I don't intend to adjust how I determine grades, and that any temporary discrepancies in how grades are displayed are the responsibility of the district.
If the district does not have alternative grade support implemented by the end of this semester, I will continue to manually override grades to reflect my actual practice.